FNaW_Fan_Games in Five Nights at Wario's - Community (Official)

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I removed the 1.0 version of the game!

Should I even give any context?

2 rooms have been redesigned completely in these days, wich are way better than the previous versions i created in blender in my opinion, but i will not say wich ones hehe

im finally back to work on this game

Just to note!

Sneak peek of the thumbnail for the next MLS Edition game, title will be revealed soon C:

I can't show much right now considering this game is in its early steps (you know, programing the main gameplay with place holder assets) so I guess for now have some miscellaneous characters.


more gameplay! :D

now it shows waluigi and Mario in action

(the ending has an easter egg that will most likely be removed in the final build so i thought i'd show some of it here)

Po design + kitchen camera reveal

Patch 2.0.2 for WarioWareIntrusion